Medrysone [2668-66-8]

Cat# T0977-25mg

Size : 25mg

Brand : TargetMol

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Catalog No. T0977   CAS 2668-66-8
Synonyms: Gimeracil, 6α-Methyl-11β-hydroxyprogesterone

Medrysone (6α-Methyl-11β-hydroxyprogesterone) is a topical, synthetic glucocorticoid with metabolic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Medrysone exerts its effect by interacting with specific intracellular glucocorticoid receptors and subsequently binds to DNA to modify gene expression. This results in an induction of the synthesis of certain anti-inflammatory proteins while inhibiting the synthesis of certain inflammatory mediators. Consequently, an overall reduction in chronic inflammation and autoimmune reactions is accomplished.

All TargetMol products are for research or drug registration purposes only and cannot be used for human consumption. We do not provide products or services to individuals. Please comply with the intended use and do not use TargetMol products for any other purpose in violation of laws and regulations.
Medrysone Chemical Structure
Medrysone, CAS 2668-66-8
Description Medrysone (6α-Methyl-11β-hydroxyprogesterone) is a topical, synthetic glucocorticoid with metabolic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Medrysone exerts its effect by interacting with specific intracellular glucocorticoid receptors and subsequently binds to DNA to modify gene expression. This results in an induction of the synthesis of certain anti-inflammatory proteins while inhibiting the synthesis of certain inflammatory mediators. Consequently, an overall reduction in chronic inflammation and autoimmune reactions is accomplished.
Synonyms Gimeracil, 6α-Methyl-11β-hydroxyprogesterone
Molecular Weight 344.49
Formula C22H32O3
CAS No. 2668-66-8


Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year

Solubility Information

DMSO: 50 mg/mL (145.14 mM)

TargetMolReferences and Literature


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