ONCOTARGET: Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Panel for Cancer Detection

ONCOTARGET: Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Panel for Cancer Detection

ONCOTARGET is a comprehensive genomic profiling panel designed for cancer detection. It consists of 1,229 probes targeting 10 oncogenes and the TP53 gene. Clinicians can use this kit to guide treatment decisions based on genotyping results from various sample types, including fresh or frozen tumors, FFPE tissues, and liquid samples. The panel’s cost-effectiveness and accuracy make it a valuable tool in oncology research and patient care.

The ONCOTARGET Genomic Profiling Panel

The ONCOTARGET Panel is a combination of 1229 different probes, spread across the coding sequences of 10 Oncogenes of interest, linked to a marketing authorization for Oncotherapy, as well as the TP53 gene (see table). 

The ONCOTARGET kit has been developed to provide a rapid, reliable response from all types of human samples, to help practitioners guide the treatment of cancer patients. It can be used on DNA extracted from fresh or frozen tumors, fixed and embedded in paraffin (FFPE), and also on DNA from liquid samples (plasma samples, pleural fluids, cerebrospinal fluids). It can also be used on DNA extracted from human cell lines. Its small size and low sequencing depth (> 80X) enable low-cost analysis.

The ONCOTARGET panel can be used to detect mutations present on all the coding parts of 10 genes used to guide 1st or 2nd line metastatic therapy for several solid cancers, as well as the TP53 gene. 

To achieve this, the ONCOTARGET panel analyzes the entire coding sequence (coding exons + splicing zones) of 11 genes of interest (ALK, BRAF, EGFR, ERBB2 (HER2), KIT, KRAS, MAP2K1, MET, NRAS, PDGFRA, TP53) for the study of solid lung tumors (non-small cell), colorectal tumors, melanoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). It can also be used to detect intronic mutations around MET exon 14 that involve constitutive MET activation. (see table)


Table: Details of genes analyzed 



Type of Tumor

Associated treatment  Impact
ALK Non small cell lung cancer ALK TKI Sensitivity of resistance to ALK inhibitor
BRAF Colon cancer No therapeutics MSI Testing
Non small cell lung cancer BRAF inhibitor Sensitivity only for the p.(Val600Glu) variant
Melanoma BRAF inhibitor Sensitivity only for p.(Val600X) variants
EGFR Non small cell lung cancer EGFR TKI Sensitivity or resistance (secondary mutations, insertions exon 20)
ERBB2 Non small cell lung cancer Mobocertinib Sensitivity
KIT GIST Imatinib Sensitivity or resistance (secondary mutations)
Melanoma Imatinib Sensitivity
KRAS Colon cancer EGFR inhibitor Resistance
Non small cell lung cancer Sotorasib Sensitivity only for p.(Gly12Cys).
MAP2K1 Melanoma BRAF inhibitor Resistance
  MEK inhibitor Sensitivity or resistance
MET Non small cell lung cancer MET TKI Sensitivity
NRAS Colon cancer EGFR inhibitor Resistance
Melanoma Prognosis /
PDGFRA GIST Imatinib Sensitivity or resistance (secondary mutations)

   GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor; MSI, microsatellite instability; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor(s).

 Bioinformatics files for Oncotarget analysis: Please contact tech@biovalley.fr

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