Scotland-wide immunology meeting SIGNET

Scotland-wide immunology meeting SIGNET

We are excited to announce that Biovalley is proud to sponsor the upcoming Third Scottish Immunology Groups Network  SIGNET.



scheduled to take place on the 20th March at Perth Concert Hall Scotland.



SIGNET is a full-day in-person symposium which aims to bring together immunologists from across Scotland to share research, foster new collaborations and encourage networking.

We are pleased to welcome two invited keynote speakers, Professor Leonie Taams (King’s College London, UK) and Professor Eduardo Villablanca (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden). The meeting will also feature invited talks from researchers in each BSI Regional Group.

A strong focus of SIGNET is promoting early career researchers. Eight oral presentations from postdocs/PhD students will be selected from submitted abstracts (two per Group) in addition to the poster session, which will include prizes!

you can find us at the Third Scottish Immunology Groups Network  SIGNET.  . Feel free to pass by and discuss your projects with our CliniSiences scientific advisor 

Congress website